
How much sleep is enough?

You hear these things about Donald Trump only sleeping for four hours a day and it makes you wonder if the rest of us are just being lazy or is the Donald the crazy one?

I’m a nocturnal worker, meaning I do most of my best work and am most productive after about 10pm.  But I often wonder if sleeping close to 2am is me being determined and focussed or is it me being silly and irresponsible.

I know there have been studies done on how behaviour and personalities can be temporarily altered if you are deprived of sleep.  This change can slowly become permanent if the deprivation continues for a longer period of time – not quite sure how long ‘longer’ is.

But then Trump seems to have done pretty well on four hours each day of the week and he’s not dead yet and its unlikely to be the cause of his demise either.  So I wonder if sleep is as necessary as you want to make it or is there a set amount you should get each night to be at your most productive the next day?

I’ve tried both methods.  With less sleep, I need more coffee and can’t work as well later in the evening but with more sleep, I can work later.  One leads to the other so I simply keep yoyo’ing between late and early though try and push more late’s into the week if I can.

If anyone has any insights into this – do tell.

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